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J. Michael Echevarria

Law Office of Sam Wu > J. Michael Echevarria

J. Michael Echevarria, Esq.

J. Michael Echevarria, a senior civil litigation attorney with over 35 years of experience, focuses much of his practice in the areas of business and commercial litigation, both in state and federal court, and in all phases of a lawsuit from initial client intake, through discovery, trial and appeal. Over the years he has handled partnership disputes, corporate mismanagement claims, lawsuits for and against local governments, franchise issues, real property cases, unfair competition, trademark infringement, antitrust claims, business fraud and the like.

In his business and commercial litigation practice, Mr. Echevarria has obtained some of the largest plaintiff summary judgments affirmed in published appellate decisions, including judgments for over $6 million and $3.5 million on behalf of the former Federal Savings and Loan Corporation.  He also obtained a judgment of nearly $3 million in a patent false markings trial in federal court.  In addition to handling numerous bench and jury trials in state and federal court, Mr. Echevarria has also represented clients in arbitrations, mediations and administrative proceedings.

Mr. Echevarria taught law at Southwestern University School of Law, teaching courses in Contracts, Remedies and Civil Rights/Civil Liberties.  He is the author of several law review articles and has testified before the United States Senate on matters of banking reform, as well as having taught bar review courses.

Mr. Echevarria is a graduate of the Harvard Law School (1983) and graduated magna cum laude with Highest Honors from UCLA (1980).  He is a member of the California bar association.   

米高 恩維亞律師是一位擁有超過35年經驗的高級民事訴訟律師 專精於企業及商業訴訟 同時在加州及聯邦法庭對於身處官司不同階段的客戶從最初了解客戶案情 到蒐集舉證資料 出庭及上訴 均提供最專業的服務  多年來他處理許多關於合夥糾紛 公司不當管理申訴  地方政府提告或應告官司 特許經營問題 房地產案件 不正當競爭商標權侵害 反托拉斯法申訴 商業詐欺及其他相關類別

在米高律師從事企業及商業訴訟之經歷中 他曾贏得數起在上訴裁決中紀錄確認之最高金額的原告即決判決 包括代表前聯邦儲蓄及貸款保險公司獲得超過六百萬美金及三百五十萬美金的裁決 他也曾為一不實專利標示案件在聯邦法庭審判中爭取到接近三百萬美金的判決 除了在州立及聯邦法庭辦理為數眾多的法官審判及陪審團審判案界之外米高律師也在仲裁 和解及行政訴訟程序代表客戶

米高律師曾任教於西南法律學院 教授學科包括合同法、損害賠償法及公民權/公民自由法 他同時發表過數篇法律評論並曾在美國參議院針對金融改革提供證詞 他也曾教授過數門律師考前培訓課程

米高律師於1980年自加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA)以最優異成績的榮譽畢業並於1983年自哈佛大學法學院畢業 他是加州律師協會的會員